Baby Smiling After Being Wrapped In Her Lᴀᴛᴇ Fᴀᴛʜᴇʀ’ꜱ Motorcycle Gloves

Little Aubrey will sadly grow up without knowing her father, who ᴅɪᴇᴅ a few weeks before she was born, but his spirit will always be with her.

Aubrey was born less than three weeks ago and was greeted by a doting mother and loving family and friends. Sadly, one person was gone from birth, that of Aubrey’s father, Hector Daniel Ferrer Alvarez,.

She had never met him, and never will, after his life was tragically cut short, just weeks before her birth. But it seems Aubrey can feel her father’s warmth and presence, even without him here on earth.

The tiny baby smiled at her mother and photographer during a newborn session on June 11, shortly after her late father’s beloved motorcycle gloves were wrapped around her.

Photographer Kim Stone recalls the “very surreal” moment when she and little Aubrey’s mother, Kathryn Williams, silently shed Tᴇᴀʀs during the shoot.

“Aubrey’s grandma said that Hector loves his motorcycle so we incorporated his gear into the shoot,” says Kim.

“When I put her in her dad’s glove, Aubrey smiled and continued to laugh for many moments. It’s very surreal. They say that angels are talking to babies as they smile in their sleep. I guess that’s probably true.

A complete thing of God. Kathryn cried. I must say I did too. The world prayed and mourned for Aubrey.”

Aubrey’s grandmother was Kim’s neighbor and longtime friend, and she booked Aubrey and Kathryn’s photo shoot.

“The grandmother booked a photo session for her daughter, explaining that the baby’s father had been tragically ᴍᴜʀᴅᴇʀed by someone he thought was a friend,” Kim said.

“Sweet mother is an emotional wreck. She wants to use Dad’s motorcycle gear; soᴍᴇᴛʜing that he loves. I want to do my best. I created this image. ”

Kim shared the image on social media and it immediately went viral with more than 62,000 shares.

At first, she was confused about the incredible reaction online.

“It was good, but it wasn’t perfect. All day long, I was confused and overwhelmed for lack of a better word. What happened? Great, but I’ve definitely taken better pictures. .”

Mom Kathryn then sent Kim a thank you text.

“I will be taking screenshots of this page in a few weeks and I will print it out to show her that the whole world has prayed and mourned for her and Mom and Dad,” Kathryn wrote.

“And that dad made an impact even after he’s gone and it’s going to be his dream. Every prayer from someone else makes me less heavy. It’s a more peaceful part. I have and a Tᴇᴀʀ I shed.”

Kim admitted she later realized why the image was being shared so much, to give strength to Kathryn and her tiny newborn during such a time of grief.


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