A woman who once thought she would never have children gives birth to her eleventh kid on November .li

A woman who once thought she would never have children gives birth to her eleventh kid on November 11th.

A wοmaп whο οпce thοught she wοuld пever have childreп gives birth tο her eleveпth kid οп Nοvember 11th.

After being told she would never have children, a woman gave birth to her eleventh child on November 11 and is now the mother of 11.

Satu Nordling Gonzalez, a 36-year-old Swedish woman who had been carrying a child for the last 15 years, gave birth to her youngest child on Friday. Satu posted an Instagram photograph of her newborn kid along with the caption: “Good morning from us with a picture shortly after he was born. Baby #11 was born on 11/11 at 12:55; everything went smoothly, and he is doing well. I’m taking it all in and I love this little boy so much. He is flawless. The mother has not yet revealed the name of the new arrival, but she did say that she hoped to be able to bring him home later today to meet his siblings.

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According to reports, Satu, a stay-at-home mother, was 21 years old when she first became pregnant with her now-husband, Andres, a Uruguayan, but the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. According to Swedish media, Satu was left with s on her uterus, making it impossible for her to become pregnant. She then stopped becoming pregnant as a result of the constant stress of the situation and believed she would never become a mother.

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The Swedish woman, however, managed to become pregnant little over two years later, giving birth to Nicole, the couple’s first child, in 2008. With the addition of the newborn boy, Satu and Andres now have a mixed family of six girls and five boys, including the twins Jonathan and Danilo, 12, Olivia, 9, Kevin, 8, Celina, 7, Isabelle, 2, Melania, 1, and Nicole, 14.

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At 6:30 a.m., she changes diapers, makes breakfast for the family, and gets the older kids ready for school before starting the day’s chores around the house. She juggles taking care of the children of the clan with cleaning the house, vacuuming, etc., but claims a rigid schedule keeps things in order.

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“Motherhood involves a lot of effort and sacrifice. Sometimes I’m so exhausted that I wake up without even having breakfast. The best reward for my care for the kids, though, are their smiles and love, Satu said. “After pregnancies, my body has always recovered fast. Due to my involvement with children, I move around a lot.

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