A Thousand Hearts To All The Mothers

Remember how beautiful, smooth and sculpted her body was at the beginning of your marriage. She is still the same beautiful woman with the same spirit that you have always loved.

The difference is that she gave your children life. The price for that was the loss of the body she once had.

Stretch marks tell a story. While not exclusive to mothers, they have become synonymous with pregnancy and postpartum. Once feared and hidden, they’re now celebrated. Stretch marks in motherhood are a physical reminder of how our remarkable bodies change, grow, and literally stretch to accommodate life. They represent the ultimate love.

Motherhood is the most rewarding yet challenging experience majority of us will go through and we don’t have to do it alone!

Do not complain about your wife because her fat increased and do not think that she likes it! Whether you love them or hate them, they exist because you got to bring new life into the world. That should definitely count for something.

A mother’s affection makes her turn a blind eye to all of that and her only concern is her children and your happiness.

Remember that this tummy was once the warm home who hugged your children for 9 months with all their pain, fatigue and weight, to seal them until childbirth.

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