A Lady Who Gave Birth To Triplets After Becoming One Of The UK’s Youngest Surrogates At 21

A lady who became one of the UK’s youngest surrogates at age 21 and gave birth to triplets is now fighting for a change in the legislation to make the procedure simpler. In her teenage years, Carshalton, Surrey resident Shaniece Sturdy, now 24 years old, originally developed an interest in surrogacy after seeing a television documentary. She contacted a surrogacy facility after giving birth to Rylee, her now 4-year-old son, and was introduced to Joanna and Steve, two eager parents.

She flew to Los Angeles to a specialized facility to implant their embryos since she was desperate to help them complete their family. But Shaniece, who established her own cleaning business, was taken aback when the midwives discovered not just one, but three heartbeats. When Joanna and Steve, who reside in the UK, learned they were having triplets, they were overjoyed, and Shaniece now pays them a visit on their birthdays.

Even though I’m only 21 and have the enormous responsibility of cradling a newborn, Shaniece remarked, “It has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life.” I experienced neither morning sickness nor cravings; instead, Joanna and Steve’s support helped me get through the entire pregnancy. I was just intended to assist the family in finding a sibling or two for their little daughter, but I ended up giving them three children at once.

Joanna and Steve decided on their twin stroller during our first scan, when we were only a few weeks along and learned I was expecting twins. I jokingly remarked, “Don’t know whether they discovered another heartbeat,” at a 10-week scan, and a few minutes later, they did. I was bigger when I was pregnant with Rylee at eight months than I am now that I am carrying triplets, and I looked enormous.

At 33 weeks, we all decided to have a planned cesarean section, but on Halloween, my water broke. Even though I was quite anxious, I brought Joanna with me to the theater since all I cared about was making sure the babies were born safely and healthily.

Willow, Daisy, and Harrison were brought to intensive care, but they were all well and had weights of 4 lbs 2 oz, 3 lbs 7 oz, and 3 lbs 11 oz. I’ve urged everyone considering it to go forward; I can’t wait to serve as a surrogate once more. After only two weeks in the hospital, the triplets—who are now three—went home with their parents Joanna and Steve. Shaniece now pays the triplets a birthday visit each year to catch up.

When I see them, I am always moved, not because I miss them or wish they had more kids, but rather because I am so grateful to have been in their journey. Many people, in my opinion, believe that using your own eggs is a must for surrogacy, but that is absolutely false. I brought Joanna and Steve’s embryos to Los Angeles, so technically I’m just the host’s uterus and this isn’t their child.

It would be simpler for everyone if the legislation could be modified to allow parental decision-making. In case they didn’t agree, Shaniece kept her surrogacy idea a secret from her family. She said, “I made the decision to conduct all of my own research first, and I didn’t tell anyone until I met hopeful parents.

It really doesn’t matter how old you are, as long as you’re ready and understand the importance of what you’re doing.’

A spokesperson for Surrogacy UK, said: ‘Surrogacy UK is a non-profit organization providing information and support to surrogates and intended parents.

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