A Couple Have Beaten Odds Of 200 MILLION To One Giving Birth To A Set Of IDENTICAL Triplets

Here is three identical little bundles of joy – who beat odds of 200 million to one to even be conceived. Ffion, Maddison and Paige Gilbert were formed when a single egg split into three, an extremely rare occurrence.

They arrived safely despite doctors warning parents Karen and Ian the unborn tots could steal fluid off each other in the cramped space they shared, killing one or more of them. But Mrs Gilbert and her husband Ian were determined to have their three little girls. The tots, of from Pontypool, South Wales, were born two months early at Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, weighing a little over 3.8lbs each.

Mrs Gilbert, 32, said: “The pregnancy has taken its toll but now I’m taking my time to recover and get to know my three beautiful girls.”

“The doctors thought it could be up to three months before we could bring them home so we feel privileged to have them here with us.”

Mr Gilbert, a 34-year-old business manager, said: ‘We couldn’t consider termination – they were our babies. They were scanned every week to make sure they were growing fine.’

Delighted Karen, 32, said: “I still feel like someone’s going to tell me I’ve had my time with them now and take them away.”

“At first we thought it was one, but at eight weeks I got bad pains. The miscarriage we initially suspected was actually three babies squabbling for space. I’m giving myself plenty of time to rest and get to know my lovely girls. Their personalities are shining through and I can’t wait to get to know them.”

“At the last scan at Nevill Hall Hospital in Abergavenny Karen was in very serious pain. The doctors gave her pain killers but she started having contractions.

“Karen gave birth at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport, but we got transferred back for the ante natal care.”

Karen, a 32-year-old administrative assistant who delivered two months early via caesarian section, called the event “strange” but added that she was looking forward to getting to know her twin girls.

“At first they didn’t look real and you could pick them up with one hand,” said business manager father Ian, 34, who added: “It was a bit of a shock.”

“We had a few scares during the pregnancy, especially when Karen fell top to bottom down the stairs.

“I was petrified. I still can’t believe we made it through.”

“We were worried the hospital wouldn’t have enough beds and we’d have to split them up. It would have been horrible,” added Karen.

“There was also the worry that one would be ready to come home before the others. Luckily, we managed to keep them together.

“The doctors thought it could be up to three months before we could bring them home so we feel privileged to have got them here with us so soon.”

Julian Hayman, press office for Nevill Hall Hospital, said: “The midwives were all thrilled to have a triplet birth at the Royal Gwent Hospital.”

“Everyone involved has taken great care of the girls to ensure their speedy return home. We all wish [the] proud parents Ian and Karen all the very best for the future.”
