A Brave Mum Carried Her Triplets To Full Term Knowing One Had Already Died In Her Womb

A brave mum had to go through half of her triplet pregnancy knowing that one of her tiny babies would be stillborn.

Kirsty Alexander, from Kent, is speaking out about her heartbreaking ordeal to raise awareness of infant loss.

Kirsty was surprised to find that she was pregnant again, after needing IVF to conceive her first daughter, Bonnie.

Kirsty says she knew from the start that this second pregnancy was different from her first

From four weeks gestation, however, she noticed spotting.

Fearing a miscarriage, she and her husband John booked an early ultrasound at seven weeks.

But the pair were reassured that everything was normal and that actually, there were three heartbeats instead of one.

Kirsty was surprised to find that she was pregnant again, after needing IVF to conceive her first daughter, Bonnie.

From four weeks gestation, however, she noticed spotting.

She was surprised to find that she was pregnant again after needing IVF to conceive her daughter Bonnie

Fearing a miscarriage, she and her husband John booked an early ultrasound at seven weeks.

But the pair were reassured that everything was normal and that actually, there were three heartbeats instead of one.

“We saw the consultant in week seven for reassurance due to the bleeding.

“I was terrified that we may have miscarried but our consultant said, ‘it’s a double congratulations as there are two heartbeats’ and then he paused before saying ‘oh there’s a third’.”

But by 18 weeks, a scan revealed serious issues with one of the babies.

One of the couple’s unborn daughters, Dotty, seemed to have a build-up of fluid around her brain, and developmental problems had caused her to pass away.

“The consultants believe the abnormalities that Dotty had were caused by a developmental issue, and the issues with her brain were potentially caused by a problem with the valve to her brain,” Kirsty said.

The heroic mum had to go through her pregnancy knowing that her angel baby Dotty would be stillborn.

Dotty, Delilah and Wilfred were born on March 6, 2019 at 36 weeks, via C-section.

I cried so many tears at the thought of her being alone, so Dotty’s bunny was something I chose to keep her safe,’ Kirsty said

The whole experience has helped Kirsty to realise just how precious life is.
“Whether you’ve lost a baby at three weeks or 30 weeks, or you’ve lost a child that’s been born, you are entitled to feel the upset.

“Each one of those mums and dads is a mum and a dad, and even if it’s to an angel baby, they will always be a parent to their baby.”

Amazing The Mom Gave Birth To Triplets, Then Got Super Real About Her Postpartum Body

Maria and Anders from Denmark a lucky couple. The family already has a boy, but are preparing to welcome identical triplets to their big family later this month. To document her journey, Maria has been taking pregnancy pictures of her body changes while waiting for the triplets and has amassed over 62,000 followers along the way.

Maria calls her last days of pregnancy with triplets “the waiting game.” Most of what she does now consist of binging TV series and podcasts, sleeping and browsing on her phone. Couple that with the kicking of the triplets, pregnancy pains and quite a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, and you get quite the picture the moments just moments before your due day are no picnic!

“This is me most of the day now: TV series, podcasts, sleeping, browsing on my phone, and so on. Mixed in with babies kicking, heart burn and quite a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions”

The couple got pregnant without the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF) which makes their triplets extremely rare
The odds of conceiving triplets without any treatment is thought to be roughly one in 4,400.

32 week pregnant


35 week pregnant
Week to week with the triplets.

Since the birth of the triplets, Maria has been sharing literally the cutest pics of her new bundles of joy on her Instagram account. 

It takes about six to eight weeks for the uterus to return to its normal size after pregnancy…but since she gave birth to triplets it could take longer.
