82-Year-old Woman Finally Finds Long Lost 96-yo Birth Mother (WATCH)

Reunited Mother and Daughter - Screenshot

This 82-year-old daughter is a prime example of why it’s never too late to reconnect.

Ever since her adoptive parents passed away 50 years ago, Betty Morrell has been searching for her birth mother with no results – until now.


With two decades of help from her now 32-year-old granddaughter Kimberly Miccio, who used the internet, Morrell not only managed to find out that her birth mother was still alive at age 96, but also living in a Hallstead, Pennsylvania nursing home.

Her mother, Lena Pierce, was only 13 when she birthed Betty – originally named Eva May. Since Lena was a ward of the state in Utica, New York, Eva May was taken by social services and put up for closed adoption to a family on Long Island.


Once Betty tracked down Lena, she only needed to make a quick call to Lena’s daughter Millie Hawk in Windsor, New York to make plans.

One plane-ride later, and a tearful reunion ensued.

Since Betty grew up without any siblings on Long Island, she not only experienced the joy of reconnecting with her long lost birth parent, but also with two brothers and four sisters she never knew she had.

“My mother died when I was 21,” said Betty in the WISH news video below, “and my father died a few years after that, so I’ve been on my own all this time… but not anymore.”

(WATCH the heartfelt video below from WISH-TV News) –Photo WISH-TV video
