7 Baby Myths Analyzed And Debunked

Becoming a parent for the first time is always a challenging scenario. It takes a while to settle into a new routine with your newborn, and having to sift through advice from more experienced parents, family members, and friends around you only complicates things further. Although old wives’ tales are well-intentioned and sometimes hold some truth, they are often age-old myths that have been passed down through history. It is best to take these common beliefs with a grain of salt as most of them are not true and may have repercussions if taken at face value, especially if it concerns feeding and sleep cycles. It is always better to go to an expert to be well informed about what to expect with your newborn. This will educate you and help first-time caregivers gain perspective on the methods and techniques they should follow.

As soon as your little bundle of joy is in your arms, advice is doled out to new parents from every side. But did you know that the most popular warnings passed along are false? Let’s delve deep into some of these myths below.

1. Never Try to Wake A Sleeping Baby

Never Try to Wake A Sleeping Baby

Image: Shutterstock

Newborn babies do not usually sleep through the night, but even if your baby does, they need to be woken up at regular intervals for feedings to ensure that they get the nutrients they need and do not go hungry. So, it’s safe to say that this belief is a myth. A baby must be fed every 2 to 3 hours for the first few weeks, gradually increasing to every 3 to 4 hours upon your newborn reaching 2 months old. This is when most parents can stop waking up their babies after consulting their pediatrician.

2. Don’t Hold The Newborn Too Much

Don't Hold The Newborn Too Much

Image: Shutterstock

It is impossible to spoil your newborn baby by carrying them or holding them at every opportunity. Newborns need to receive cuddles and contact from their caregivers. Keeping your baby close is a good bonding experience for both parties and allows them to learn your face and recognize your voice, which will help them feel safe around you.

Medical Myths To Look Out For

Medical Myths To Look Out For

Image: Shutterstock

The scariest time for any parent is when their baby falls ill, especially if they are too young to communicate what’s going on. Most babies express their feelings by crying, leaving new parents feeling more flustered than ever. While on the hunt for a remedy for your baby, here are a few myths you must be aware of regarding fevers.

3. Can Teething Give Your Baby A Fever?

This is false as a fever should never be written off as a symptom of teething. It could be more serious, so it is always best to consult a pediatrician when your baby has a fever. They may, however, be irritable due to some pain caused by teething, and how to deal with it depends on the baby. New parents have to figure out a method their baby takes to, such as chewing on a big piece of food or sucking on something cold.

4. You Should Give Your Baby Tylenol Before A Vaccine To Prevent A Fever?

After a vaccine shot, a low-grade fever means that your baby’s immune system is strong and working to build a good defense system. So, preventing the fever may not be the best course of action. However, if your baby is extremely irritable and restless after the vaccine, it is okay to give them a small dose to help with the pain. Some other vaccine reactions to look out for are swelling, redness at the injection site, soreness, loss of appetite, and vomiting, which will require treatment.

Dispelling Myths About The Way, Your Baby Develops

There is so much room for your little one to learn and grow past the newborn stage. While helping them, it is important to keep in mind that not everything you’ve heard about their development is true.

5. A Walker Is Harmful For Your Baby

A Walker Is Harmful For Your Baby

Image: Shutterstock

This is one true myth. Walkers don’t add any additional benefits for your baby and may be dangerous as they offer more mobility than they can handle. They also give your baby the chance to move around rapidly, leading to injuries.

6. Listening To Classical Music Will Make Your Baby Smarter

This is another false myth. Listening to Mozart and Beethoven while your baby is in the womb does nothing to ensure higher levels of intelligence. However, music is beneficial for children in helping them learn languages quickly.

7. Food Allergies Can Be Prevented If You Feed Your Baby Solids Soon

Food Allergies Can Be Prevented If You Feed Your Baby Solids Soon

Image: Shutterstock

This myth is true! After consulting a pediatrician, introducing allergens around the six-month mark can prevent food allergies from developing entirely. It is recommended that babies start eating eggs, peanuts, shellfish, and other allergens as soon as possible.

Gauging if there is any truth to watered-down information is a task that every new parent goes through. This is why it is best to do your research and consult an expert before making decisions that affect your baby.


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