101-Year-Old Woman Achieves Miracle Birth Following Successful Ovary Transplant .SB

The picture of a 101-year-old Arizona woman cradling her newborn great-granddaughter spanned four generations of the same family in one photograph and captured the hearts of millions.

Posted to Facebook two weeks ago, the loving image of Rosa Camfield and baby Kaylee became an online sensation before it was announced that Rosa had sadly passed away on Monday.

But behind every picture is a story and Rosa’s is every bit as inspirational as the photograph that captivated the Internet.

Speaking to Daily Mail Online, Rosa’s granddaughter, Sarah Hamm, 33, detailed her grandmother’s life from tumultuous youth in the Depression era to a difficult divorce in the 1950s and all the way to her third marriage – to her childhood sweetheart – in her 80s.

‘Grandma was always happy, I mean, she was smart as a whip, even at 101,’ said Hamm. ‘She was funny and had lots of stories.’

Four generations of the same family: Rosa Camfield was born in June of 1913 and died Monday. Since this picture appeared on the popular Facebook page Life of Dad, she received millions of likes and comments from around the world


Four generations of the same family: Rosa Camfield was born in June of 1913 and died Monday. Since this picture appeared on the popular Facebook page Life of Dad, she received millions of likes and comments from around the world

Hamm originally posted the photo a week before her grandmother’s death after taking her daughter, then 2-week-old Kaylee, to meet her great-grandmother Rosa for the first time. 

Rosa had three children, five grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.

‘It was actually the day she was being released in the hospital, so we were hoping that Grandma would get to meet her,’ Hamm said.

Soon after she snapped the photo, it ended up on Life of Dad where it became a massive hit.

‘When I posted it I thought a few of our fans would feel connected to it as I did. Then, within an hour, it was clear that I had underestimated the impact it would have on people as it was shared and liked hundreds of times per minute,’ said Life of Dad founder Patrick Quinn.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the photo had received over 2.5 million likes and nearly 78,000 shares.

‘I think it’s really sweet,’ Hamm told ABC. ‘My grandma would’ve loved this.’ 

Like the few who make it to live past 100, Rosa Camfield had a lifetime’s worth of stories that her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren remember well.

As a young woman: Rosa Camfield pictured above on her graduation from high school in 1931 

Rosa’s youngest daughter Lynn Vine, says her mother was born on a fruit farm in Michigan in 1913.

Rosa’s family appears to have been relatively well off before and during the Great Depression.

Her father was the first one in their town to have both a radio and a car, using it to bring locals to their homes for nightly entertainment.

‘Grandpa was the one who liked to have new things and he was quite progressive so they always had the first of everything,’ Vine remembers.

Vine says her mother lived in a time when kids still attended school in a one-room schoolhouse where children of all ages were taught by the same teacher.

‘One year she was the only kindergartener in the class,’ Vine said.

While Rosa wanted to go to college after school, her dad advised her not to.

‘Her dad didn’t want her to go to college,’ Vine says. ‘He said, “You don’t need to. We have plenty of money.”‘

Rosa went on to marry her first of three husbands in the mid-1930s, a man named Rubin with whom she had all of her three children.

Rosa pictured above with her three children, who she had with her first husband. From left to right: Lee Miles, Rosa Camfield, Raymond Wheaton and Lynn Vine


Rosa is pictured above with her three children, who she had with her first husband. From left to right: Lee Miles, Rosa Camfield, Raymond Wheaton, and Lynn Vine

Rosa is pictured on her 98th birthday three years ago, surrounded by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren


Rosa is pictured on her 98th birthday three years ago, surrounded by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren

Rosa and her 5-year-old great-granddaughter Mackenzie snuggle on her bed last month
Rosa Camfield started off as a farm girl, stayed at home to raise her three children and eventually got her teaching degree to work with 8th graders
Rosa Camfield started off as a farm girl, stayed at home to raise her three children and eventually got her teaching degree to work with 8th graders

While the couple were married, World War II broke out and the couple helped out by spotting planes.

Unfortunately the marriage didn’t last, and the couple divorced after about 15 years.

It was after her divorce that Rosa decided to go back to college – while raising her three children in her 40s – and get her degree in teaching.

She taught 8th Grade at Ludington Public Schools for most of her career – and one year her daughter Vine had her as a teacher.

Rosa married twice more. Her second husband, Mert, died in the mid-1980s and she married for a third time, to her childhood best friend, Lennis Camfield, a few years later.

Rosa and Lennis grew up next-door neighbors and they would walk the same half-mile route to school every day.

Vine says her mother would always talk about walking to school in the winter when she followed behind 7-year-old older Lennis to escape the snow since the road wasn’t plowed.

Vine says it was obvious that Lennis was the love of her mother’s life – despite the fact the two married in their 80s and only had a small amount of time together (Mr. Camfield died in 1996). 

‘She was really heartbroken when he died…I know she wished she had a longer time with him,’ Vine said.

Recently, Rosa had been living with one of her daughters. In November she was diagnosed with breast cancer but remained active even in her final days – continuing to crochet and knit until about two weeks ago.

‘Her opinion was if you’re bummed out or whatever – get over it,’ Vine remembers of her mother. ‘Put a smile on your face, and things will be better the next day.’

After Hamm posted the photo online, hundreds of people shared similar pictures.

This image shows Ohio mom Amanda Garber's son, Samuel, with his great-great-grandmother, Helen Willaman - a 101-year difference


This image shows Ohio mom Amanda Garber’s son, Samuel, with his great-great-grandmother, Helen Willaman – a 101-year difference

According to this submission from Pennsylvania, the age difference here is 93 years

One image shows Ohio mom Amanda Garber’s son, Samuel, with his great-great-grandmother, Helen Willaman.

‘My son and grandma are almost 101 years apart. I feel extremely blessed to have her in our lives,’ Ms Garber told Today.

‘I love to hear the stories of when she was a little girl, or when she had a baby and how different it was back then.’ 

Meanwhile, Washington-based mom Breean Ferreira shared an image of her 113-year-old great-grandmother and her one-year-old son – a family with five living generations.

Grandmother Laura Kayizzi posted a photo of her own grandmother, who was born in 1915 and passed away this winter.

Ms. Kayizzi’s image shows her daughter’s son being held by his great-great-grandmother, revealing that ‘her advice to my daughter about being a mom was, “Love them as much as you can. They grow up fast.”

Candice Joynt, from Colorado, posted this image with the caption: ‘101 years, 4 months and 12 days apart

Jennifer Browder Goodman from South Carolina submitted this image of her grandmother holding her daughter for the first time 'She will be 95 in August!' she wrote


Jennifer Browder Goodman from South Carolina submitted this image of her grandmother holding her daughter for the first time ‘She will be 95 in August!’ she wrote

Australian mom Leanne Young posted this image of a 102-year difference between a great-great-grandfather and his great-great-grandson


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