10 Oddest Mothers In The World You Probably Didn’t Know About

Lina Medina (Young Mother Ever)

Lina has held the record for youngest confirmed birth mother since 1939. She gave birth to a baby boy at the age of 5 years 7 months, and 21 days in Peru.

Thomas Beatie (First Man to Give Birth)

Thomas was a woman at birth, abut transitioned to being a male. When his wife could’t conceive Thomas used his egg and donor sperm to have a child.

Stacey Herald (World’s Smallest Mother)

At a mere 2 ft. 4 in. tall, Stacey was told that giving birth could kill her but she has successfully given birth to 3 children even though pregnancy can leave her bedridden.

Elizabeth Buttle (Most Years Between Births)

Elizabeth has had 2 children which is not a particularly record breaking task except that they were born 41 years apart. The first child was born in 1956 and the second was born in 1997 when Elizabeth was 60 years old.

Rajo Devi Lohan (Oldest First Time Mother)

Rajo attempted to have a child for 40 years before she was finally able to conceive at the age of 70, she finally gave birth to a baby boy and plans to breastfeed until he is through years old.

Mahajabeen Sheikh (World’s Tiniest Baby)

Mahajabeen gave birth to a baby at 25 weeks and 6 days gestation. The baby weighed 8.6 ounces and measured 10 inches long when it was delivered at Loyola University Medical.

Carole Horlock (Most Prolific Surrogate)

Carole has given birth to a total of 12 infants in the last 13 years, including one pair of triplets. She only wanted to be a surrogate once, but she has grown to like assisting others in starting families.

Wife of Feodor (Most Prolific Mother of All Time)

This mother has given birth to over 69 children from 27 total births in the 18th century. She was a peasant from Russia known only as the Wife of Feodor.

Omkari Panwar (Oldest Mother of Twins)

Although, Omkari already had two daughters, she was determined to have a son as heir. She paid for in vitro at the age of 70 and ended up with twin boys.

Nadya Suleman (Most Surviving Infants From a Single Birth)

In January 2009, Nadya made headlines when she gave birth to a batch of octuplets. In vitro fertilization was used to conceive the octuplets, which has caused controversy in the media.
